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Criminal Justice: Find Books

LC Call Numbers

The Fontbonne library uses Library of Congress call numbers to organize its collection. The classification system separates all material into 21 classes, each with its own alphabet letter. These classes are divided into smaller classes, or subclasses, identified by additional letters and numbers.

call no graphic

Browsing: HVs

Call No.  |  Subject

HV6035 → 6197 Criminal Anthropology
HV6201 → 6249 Criminal Classes
HV6250 → 6250.4 Victims of Crime. Victimology
HV6251 → 6773.55 Crimes & Offences
HV6774 → 7220.5 Crimes & Criminal Classes
HV7431 Prevention of Crime, Methods, etc.
HV7435 → 7439 Gun Control
HV7551 → 8280.7 Police. Detectives. Constabulary
HV8290 → 8291 Private Security Services
HV8301 → 9920.7 Penology. Prisons. Corrections
HV9950 → 9960 By Region or Country

Fontbonne University Online Catalog

Fontbonne University



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@ the Library: Print Books

Searching the Catalog using Keywords

  • criminal justice
  • prison reform
  • incarceration
  • juvenile justice
  • prison system
  • race and crime
  • white collar crime
  • social justice and prisons

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