B1-5802 Philosophy (General)
B69-99 General works
B108-5802 By period, Including individual philosophers and schools of philosophy
B108-708 Ancient
B720-765 Medieval
B770-785 Renaissance
B790-5802 Modern
B808-849 Special topics and schools of philosophy
B850-5739 By region or country
B5800-5802 By religion
BC1-199 Logic
BC11-39 History
BC25-39 By period
BC60-99 General works
BC171-199 Special topics
BD10-701 Speculative philosophy
BD10-41 General philosophical works
BD95-131 Metaphysics
BD143-237 Epistemology. Theory of knowledge
BD240-260 Methodology
BD300-450 Ontology, Including being, the soul, life, death
BD493-701 Cosmology, Including teleology, space and time, structure of matter, plurality of worlds