Notice the following things about the status of the citation below.
1.The first line contains the title of the article. Clicking on it will take you to its full bibiliographic record.
2. The second line contains the last name and the first intitial of the author.
3. The third line contains the abbreviated title, year, month, volume, issue and page numbers. Roll the mouse over the abbreviated title to see the complete title.
4. The fourth line contains the PubMed ID number (PMID) unigue to this article. You can search for this article by that number.
5. Also in the fourth line, it is labeled as [PubMed - in process] . This means that it has not yet been indexed with MeSH terms and is not yet included in MEDLINE or considered to be peer-reviewed.
6. If it is labeled as [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] it has been indexed and contains MeSH terms and is part of MEDLINE and considered peer-reviewed.