If you look up “Bible” with a keyword search in the Classic Catalog, you get more than 1,000 results. There are more specific ways of searching.
Examples of searches for specific editions of the Bible:
New American Bible
New Revised Standard Version Bible
New Oxford Annotated Bible
Jerusalem Bible
If you're looking for a specific work, search by author or title. If you do not have an author or title, you can use keywords or subject terms.
Examples of keyword searches:
Bible Old Testament Genesis
Bible New Testament Commentaries
Bible and Science
Bible in Literature
Women and Bible
Subject terms can be more precise than keywords (choose 'LC Subject' from the drop-down menu).
Examples of subject searches:
Bible Old Testament [Name of Book] Commentaries
Bible Old Testament [Name of Book] Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Bible New Testament [Name of Book] Commentaries
Bible New Testament [Name of Book] Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Patterns for Subject Searches:
[name of book] AND commentaries
[name of book] AND criticism
[name of book] AND theology
Genesis AND theology
Pentateuch AND criticism
Gospels AND commentaries