Requesting Items and Interlibrary Loan
If books are not available at Fontbonne, but are available through MOBIUS, students should request them through the catalog and pick them up at the front desk.
When items are not available in MOBIUS, they may be requested through interlibrary loan and picked up at the front desk when they arrive.
Journal articles that are not available in the Fontbonne collection can be requested through interlibrary loan. Articles will be sent to the e-mail address provided with the request, usually within a week.
Most interlibrary loan requests can be satisfied through the cooperative OCLC/LVIS network at no cost. If the material can only be found outside of that network (including many dissertations), the student will be notified as to the probable cost. The patron can pay for this transaction if he/she chooses, but the library will not support interlibrary loan costs beyond the LVIS system.